Wear your Red and White and join in some fun Women’s Golf Day activities.
Women’s Golf Day (www.womensgolfday.com) is an annual international event celebrating women playing golf and together enjoying a skill that will last a lifetime. It is the collaborative efforts of golf courses and retailers internationally working together to empower and support women through golf. Events will be held all over the world on Tuesday, June 1, 2021. This fun social event will locally be sponsored by Todd Creek Golf, Acushnet and the HTC Ladies’ Golf League. Come and enjoy the fun – no matter your zip code! Learn some basic skills at 1:00 (1pm clinic is sold out) 3:00, play a round of golf at 2:30 (Scramble is sold out) and/or come on by at 4:30 for some fashion shopping, and social time.
1:00 – 2:00 Golf Clinics and club demos on short game, full swing, and putting with Titleist and Todd Creek pros. Limited to 30 golfers. Sign up April 7 – May 20th or until full. $10 fee collected on June 1st. SOLD OUT
2:30 Golf Shotgun Bingo Bango Bongo 9-hole golf scramble. $25 including cart plus $5 prize fee, collected on June 1st. Sign up April 7 – May 20th or until full. Limited to 72 golfers. Prizes awarded. SOLD OUT
3:00 – 4:00 NEWLY ADDED GOLF CLINIC!!! Short game, full swing, and putting with Titleist and Todd Creek pros. Limited to 30 golfers. Sign up now! $10 fee collected on June 1st. SOLD OUT
4:30 Cocktail/Appetizer Time with Trunk and Fashion Show! We will meet in the ballroom for a fun evening of music, shopping, food/drink, and laughter! Numerous ladies’ golf vendors (Sport Haley/Bette & Court, Ecco, Footjoy, Browarsky discount, etc) will have sale racks for cash/carry and 30% off any special orders! HTC Pro Shop will also offer 30% off all ladies’ in stock apparel.
Raffle drawings will be held. A special food menu will be available with beverage options to include fun drink specials and giveaways!You won’t want to miss this fun event!
Over 150 Women Golfers attended the 2021 Todd Creek Women’s Golf Day celebration!! What a great time and a remarkable success!!