CardioGolf™ Total Fitness System


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CardioGolf™ is a series of golf-specific workout routines that combine swing drills and exercises. CardioGolf™ accommodates golfers of all skills and fitness levels. All you need to perform CardioGolf™ is a 4 x 4 square foot space in your home and the CardioGolf™ ‘Shortee’ Club and ‘Slope’.  Simply follow the workouts to get a great workout and improve your golf swing at the same time. The CardioGolf™ Total Fitness System includes:
  • The CardioGolf™ “Slope”-A Unique Fitness Training Platform
  • The CardioGolf™ 23-inch “Shortee” Practice Training Club-For Indoor Practice
  • The CardioGolf™ TV Subscription (3 months included for FREE)

Get Your Heart Pumping and Your Golf Form in Shape with The  CardioGolf™ Total Fitness System…No Golf Ball Required!

Professional golfers know the importance of athletic development for golf. As a recreational golfer, you may not have the time to train like an elite athlete, but by simply adding a few swing drills into your daily routine, you can dramatically improve your game. And you don’t have to go to the golf course or driving range, you can do these exercises at home with the CardioGolf™ Total Fitness System. In the CardioGolf™ Fitness System, we use the Shortee Practice Training Club to do exercises and swing drills. The club is short for the following reasons:
  • The Shortee Club is easy to swing indoors without hitting the walls or ceilings.
  • Use the Shortee Club to warm up at golf courses that don’t have practice range.
  • Carry the Shortee Club in your suitcase when you travel.
  • The clubhead is closer to your hands, so it is easy to monitor the clubface and learn how to square the face at impact.
  • Since you are not hitting balls with the Shortee Club, there is no judgment of where the ball goes, so you can work on your technique without getting frustrated.
  • The Shortee Club is lighter than a regular club, so you can learn to swing the club faster to develop clubhead speed.
The CardioGolf™ Fitness System, also uses the CardioGolf™ Slope to do low impact cardio, strength, balance exercises and swing drills. Karen Palacios-Jansen, Creator of CardioGolf™, voted one of America’s Top 50 Golf-Fitness Coaches, developed the CardioGolf™ Slope’ to help golfers practice uphill and downhill lies, but it is also a great tool for exercise. You can do a variety of traditional low-impact exercises as well as strength, balance, core and even upper body exercises. The benefits of the Slope include:
  • The CardioGolf™ Slope can be used to improve fitness and for golfers
  • The Slope can be used for low-impact cardio, strength and balance exercises.
  • The Slope can be used to rehearse uphill and downhill lies and to do golf-specific drills.
  • The Slope can be used to do step aerobics and low impact exercises. According to studies participating in a 60-minute step aerobic class has been comparable to jogging 6 to 7 miles.
  • The Slope can be used to do strength weight-bearing exercises. Studies show that weight-bearing exercises increases bone mass and bone density.
  • The curvature of the Slope helps build balance and more core strength. Studies show that walking on uneven ground continually shifts our center of gravity, meaning we have to work harder to continually come back to balance in the midline, and this has a deeper engagement through the whole of our fascial, muscle and skeletal systems.
.Karen Palacios-Jansen is a LPGA Master Professional and a NASM Certified Personal Trainer specializing in Golf-Fitness . She has been voted as one of America’s  “Top 50 Golf-Fitness Professionals” by Golf Digest Magazine and  “Top 50 Instructor” by the LPGA.  Karen received the prestigious LPGA National Teacher of the Year award in 2008.
CardioGolf™ Total Fitness System
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